Campaign Letter

Grandview Heights Alumni Association
PO Box 12116
Columbus OH 43212


October 2024


Dear Alumnus,

            The new school year is underway. The Ox Roast and Alumni Night with all its reunions still glowing in our memories. It is a great reminder of the fantastic experiences we shared growing up in Grandview Heights. We were blessed with opportunities for education, recreation, and enduring friendships with our classmates.

            This year presents new challenges and opportunities for the Grandview Heights High School Alumni Association as we expand and improve upon our mission to keep alumni connected and informed. We publish print and online versions of our newsletter three times a year and send them out to every alumnus for whom we have contact information. Please consider a donation to keep this tradition alive.  We also provide college scholarship opportunities for current GHHS students. Alumni have always responded generously when we’ve asked for support and we’re asking again for contributions to help the GHHSAA continue its work.

            More new Legacy Society scholarships were established for the 2024 school year. The combination of scholarships awarded through GHHSAA, Legacy Society, and Brotherhood of Rooks totaled almost $37, 500 for 2025. Given the rising costs of a college education, it is important we strive to do even more in 2025. Your tax- deductible contributions to the GHHSAA make an significant difference.

            There are two ways to pay your $40 yearly dues or contribute an additional donation. If you like the receiving the newsletter, please consider an additional $10 to defray the printing and mailing costs:

1. PayPal – Visit
Click on “Join- Donate”
Click on “PayPal” and follow the instructions.

2. Check – Send in a check, payable to GHHSAA
PO Box 12116
Columbus, OH 43212

            We look forward to hearing about the events in your lives and sharing them in the newsletter. Please provide your e-mail address so we can deliver newsletters to you faster and more efficiently. We appreciate those who donate annually and thank all graduates for being a part of our proud Grandview Alumni community. We hope to see you at a future Alumni event.

Ron Cameron ‘64

Trustee GHHSAA


Name (include maiden name) ________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________

Class Year ___________ Phone_______________________________


(All contributions are tax deductible)

____$10 newsletter   ___ $40 per individual    
___ Life Membership $300 per individual

In Honor of _______________________________

In Memory of _____________________________


In addition, I would like to contribute to the Annual Fund of:

___ $50-99 Paws Club            
___ $100-499 Big Cats Club
___ $500 or more Top Cats Club
___ $1,000 + Special Recognition

in Honor of_________________________________

In Memory of ______________________________


Make check payable to: GHHSAA, PO Box 12116, Columbus OH 43212, or pay electronically by going to, clicking on  the menu then “Join-Donate” then “Buy Now” to make your donation.

Let us hear from you so we can keep your fellow Bobcats updated!












Please submit updated addresses for you, your siblings and/or your GHHS Alumni children.

Contact us via U.S. mail (address above), at or email

Database updates keep mailing costs down and ensure valid contact information for reunions!



2024-2025 Alumni Contribution